San Diego Pollinator Alliance
The RCD is a founding member of the San Diego Pollinator Alliance (SDPA), a group of organizations and agencies working together to protect pollinators in San Diego County. The SDPA aims to increase native pollinator habitat and awareness about pollinator-friendly practices throughout San Diego County through outreach, education, and on-the-ground programs.

If you are interested in joining this collaboration, contact Codi Hale at
Follow us on Facebook @SanDiegoPollinatorAlliance and subscribe to the quarterly SDPA newsletter for regular updates!
The SoCal Pollinator Network was formed in Fall of 2021, when a masters student working with various pollinator organizations throughout Southern California recognized the need for more communication in our region. Since our inception, we have grown to include over 20 partners agencies in our group!

We meet bi-monthly and discuss partner project updates and needs for support with pollinator work throughout Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties.