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Supporting High School Conservationists

The RCD supports high school students in their journey of learning about natural resources and agriculture. We offer:

Annual Conservation Scholarship for graduating high school seniors 
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RCD Conservation Scholarship

The RCD Conservation Scholarship is an annual scholarship program for graduating high school seniors pursuing further education in the fields of resource conservation, environmental sciences, biology or agriculture. The scholarship is available to students residing in the RCD of Greater San Diego County boundaries. Up to seven scholarships of $1,000 are awarded each year.

Click here for map

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be residents within the RCD of Greater San Diego County’s sphere of influence (see map).
  • Have successfully completed three years of study at an accredited high school.
  • Be nearing completion of their fourth year in high school while maintaining a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better (on a 4.0 scale).
  • Expect, or have received, a “notice of intent” to enroll in undergraduate college courses related to Resource Conservation, Environmental Science, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Biology, or related fields

The Conservation Scholarship application is open for 2025! 

  • Apply here by 11:59pm on Sunday, April 14th, 2025!

Please contact our office or with any questions.

Annual Speak-Off Competition 
May contain: person and human

Speak-Off Competition

Every year, the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD) hosts a competition for high school students who want to speak out about conservation. Students first compete at the regional level, with the top speaker advancing to the state competition.

Cash prizes are awarded to the top three competitors at both the regional and state levels:

  • Regional Competition: $200 first place; $125 second place; $75 third place (first place winner advances to state competition)
  • State Competition: $300 first place; $200 second place; $100 third place.
2024 topic: What is the role of agriculture in meeting California’s climate goals?
The Speak-Off Application is currently closed. Please check back in September!

Click here for program application. 

Click here for program rules & eligibility

A sponsored place at Range Camp 
May contain: vegetation, plant, woodland, nature, outdoors, tree, forest, land, person, human, bag, backpack, clothing, and apparel

Range Camp

Each year, the RCD offers one to two fully sponsored places at Range Camp, a week-long opportunity for students aged 15-18 to discover the science and management of our natural resources and learn from experienced professionals and university faculty. The RCD sponsorship includes payment of the $750 camp fee and round-trip airfare.

To be eligible, students must be between 15-18 years of age and live or attend high school in our service area, which covers the majority of the County.

Click here for a map.

Sponsorship applications for Range Camp are now open! The application will close April 7th, 2025 at 11:59pm. 

Apply Here!

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