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Watershed Education Program

May contain: animal

The Watershed Connection – reducing pollution and protecting San Diego Bay

The Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County – in partnership with the Port of San Diego – offers the Watershed Connection, a free watershed education program available to all second through sixth grade students at schools located within the San Diego Bay Watershed.

Click here for a map.

The program includes a one-hour, in-class presentation providing students a hands-on opportunity to learn about their environment. Participants are introduced to the connection between land, water, and human actions, as well as common storm water pollutants in San Diego. The presentation supports Next Generation Science Standards and CA Science Standards.  

May contain: turtle, animal, sea life, reptile, sea turtle, and tortoise

Program overview

During the presentation an RCD educator will "pollute" a three-dimensional watershed model and students will make predictions about how pollution might affect the model. Students then observe a simulated rainstorm and are invited to draw conclusions about the causes and effects of pollution. Throughout the presentation participants are encouraged to explore methods for pollution prevention and to share in a conversation about human impact on natural resources. Students learn simple actions we all can take to prevent pollution.

Please click here for the pre-test.

Sign up! Make a reservation today…

We’d love to share this educational opportunity with you! Registering is simple, just follow these steps:

1.  Click below to access and download the Watershed Connection Reservation Form.

Reservation Form-Fillable.pdf

2. Click on the link below to access the presentation calendar with our up-to-date availability.

Watershed Presentation Calendar

3. Sign up for a presentation time for each class through Calendly.

4. Complete one Watershed Connection Reservation Form for all presentations scheduled for the same day.

5. Save the form with your information and email to

6. We will contact you to finalize your registration.

Please keep in mind that this program is funding dependent; reservations are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. We can accommodate up to three presentations per day, maximum group size per presentation is 35 students.

Program eligibility

The Watershed Connection program is available to school sites located within the San Diego Bay Watershed. This service area includes schools in the following districts: Chula Vista, Cajon Valley, La Mesa – Spring Valley, Jamul, South Bay, and Lemon Grove school districts. Many schools in the San Diego Unified school district also qualify. To see if your school qualifies and for further information please call 619-562-0096 or email

To support ongoing assessment and funding, student participants are required to take a pre-presentation and post-presentation quiz. Classroom educators are responsible for administrating the pre-test. All pre-presentation assessment materials will be supplied and emailed to the school upon confirmation of the reservation. To receive the program for free, the pre-test and post-test must be administered to students.

The Watershed Connection supports Next Generation Science Standards 

Structure and Function: Discover how the shape of land affects water.

Systems: Explore a watershed system and see how storm drains connect urban and natural system.

Cause and Effect: Determine how human actions impact water quality and natural resources. Learn about non-point source pollution.

Engage in conversation about pollution solutions!

Watershed Resources 
Educator Resources:
  • We created this index of resources to connect teachers with classroom activity ideas to follow your watershed education presentation, resources for curriculum support including online video tools, local organizations leading the way to healthy water systems, and a listing of both in and out of the classroom field trip opportunities.

Watersheds in San Diego County: Learn more about the ten watersheds in the county.

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