Who We Are

The mission of the Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County is to protect, conserve, and restore natural resources through education, information, and technical assistance programs.
As stewards of the regional environment, we partner with a diverse group of landowners, public and private institutions, and concerned citizens to address the diverse conservation and environmental concerns that are unique to San Diego County. The RCD’s programs and priorities help to restore and protect San Diego County watersheds, prevent wildfire damage through education and fuel reduction, promote nutrition and stewardship through sustainable agriculture and soil health, and revitalize pollinator habitats.
Resource Conservation Districts are independent, non-regulatory Special Districts, organized under Division 9 of the CA Public Resources Code.
Division 9Founded on principles of grass-roots, locally-led governance, RCDs are leaders in on-the-ground conservation efforts, connecting people with programs and resources necessary to conserve and manage natural resources.
Through funding primarily from local, state, and federal grants and donations, we create programs and services that address the unique conservation challenges that face San Diego County.
Our District

The RCD’s boundaries encompass a service area of approximately 2,886 square miles or 1,847,300 acres. The District’s northern boundary extends into the Bonsall community, the southern boundary extends to the United States-Mexico border, the western boundary extends to the Pacific Ocean and the eastern boundary extends to the Imperial County line. To find out if you are located in our district, enter your address into this interactive map.
The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) is a state-mandated, independent agency with countywide jurisdiction over changes in organization and boundaries of special districts. Each year LACo conducts a Municipal Service Review which can be viewed below.
Municipal Service ReviewThe highly varied topography of this service area consists of more than thirty types of vegetative communities and encompasses mountains, deserts, forest, and coastal resources, including ten varied and distinct watersheds with streams, rivers, sloughs, lakes, beaches, and bays, as well as urban, agricultural, and suburban areas.
The population of San Diego County is dense with 3.3 million people and includes the largest amount of small farms (6,687) in America. It is also the 5th highest populated county and the 19th largest Agricultural economy in the U.S.
Our History
The RCD has been a presence in San Diego County since 1941. Our priorities, structure, and district have evolved over the last eight decades, and our commitment to the conservation efforts unique to San Diego County is stronger than ever.
Resource Conservation Districts were originally created in the early 1940’s to combat the devastating effects of the dust bowl crisis of the 1930’s. Since their inception, the national, state and regional network of Conservation Districts has continued to grow and strengthen over time to meet the ever-changing conservation needs facing their districts.